Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Have a Nice Day!

That was the greeting Maddie wrote me today for my birthday.

For my b-day, Maddie gave me a gumball machine full of about 30 little pieces of paper rolled up into balls. Each one says something like "Have a Nice Day!", or "I Heart You!". It was really sweet, and clever - like her! Now I have it at my desk at work, where I can pull one out whenever I feel like it! [note: (added 9/5/06) It was actually Molly who wrote the vast majority of these notes, I found out much later]

On Wednesday's I am now going to a morning "bible study" with a friend (David). It's from 6a-7a and includes b-fast. At any rate, it has the effect of giving me a couple minutes each week free on Wednesday mornings (since I end up at work about 15 minutes early).

Maddie had her last kickball practice yesterday, and has her last game this Thursday (I think). Molly went to piano practice yesterday - she continues to do very well...she's pretty fast now on her flash cards.

My birthday went well - we had a cookout on labor day that combined my birthday with Courtney's cousin-in-law, Chris. My 'rents were there and we all played Werewolf (aka "Lupus in Tabula").

My brother, Kerry, has been calling and I owe him a call back. I like talking with him, but was tied up when he called one time recently, and he has left messages (or talked to the girls) otherwise. If you're reading this - Hay Bro!


Anonymous said...

What was the picture of?

kieron said...

It was just the cover of the Werewolf game, but for some reason it isn't showing up correctly, so I just (now) removed it entirely.