Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back the to Grind

Today, Tuesday after Labor day:

Vivian made it off to the airport this morning, and the girls got off to school on time (it took me awhile to find my keys and my wallet, not having used either for about three days).

At work I need to prepare for an audit (deadline in one week), and Amos (a Liberian refugee) needs help getting to the BMV to get his licence (his car was towed since he was driving it with expired plates, and it wasn't titled in his name, and he didn't have it registered, and he didn't have a "real" licence...he had some sort of a temporary licence). I've had my car impounded under similar circumstances. If you have a few strikes against you, they tend to go for the impound...

This evening:

  1. Maddie has kickball after school,
  2. Courtney is playing tennis with her mom at 5pm,
  3. I am having dinner w/ my pa, then playing poker,
  4. Molly is going to Jill's after school, then has her piano lesson at 7:30.
Well, gotta jet off to work.

Hi to those I think may be reading this: Cameron, Court, Dan, Jay, Kelley, Marshall, Mom. If you read fairly consistently, but I didn't list you, write a comment or drop me an e-mail!

My shoulder aches, MRI is tomorrow ($1,600 - we have a deductible of $500 - YIKES!).



Anonymous said...

A couple things...
what happened to your shoulder? MRI??
You forgot to mention your nef, Sam's schedule- here it is:
Tuesday- kickball
Wednesday- The Knitting Circle
Thursday- Cub Scouts...

Mine will be the same as his!

Anonymous said...

Courtney says:

Too funny...Do they have good snacks at the knitting circle??

Anonymous said...

w00t! I got to see my name mentioned on the web!!! ;-)


kieron said...

Kelmo: My MRI is on Wednesday at noon - wish me luck during my 30 minutes in the claustro-tube!!

Anonymous said...

Tell me how it went afterwards!