Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Our Favorite TV Show

With the girls allowed to stay up until 10:00pm (the theory being that we have a babysitter coming the next morning, so they can sleep in), Courtney and I watched our new, favorite, TV program, House, while they played polly pockets (the new "Barbie").

At first, I thought House was too edgy, but now I like just have to take it with a grain of salt. It's kinda like a mixutre of "ER" and "Quincy"...there is a medical mystery each episode that they solve. The biggest flaw is that the mysteries are often QUITE far-fetched, and almost always attempt to be shocking in some way (to appeal, I suppose, to an increasingly callous public).

From left -- Front: Dr. House, Dr. Cuddy
Back: Dr. Cameron, Dr. Chase, Dr. Foreman, Dr. Wilson

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