Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend - 2005

The girls are back from Memphis - they had a blast. Most of them said their favorite part of the vaction was swimming - they're all sunburned except Molly.

My weekend went well - I cleaned, trimmed the lawn, saw "Revenge of the Sith" (as did they, down in Memphis), made sack lunches for the homeless - at Robert's Park Methodist Church, and visited a liberian refugee family we help out a bit (Evelyn has a three-week old named (somewhat strangely) Evelyn).

The refugee family seems to be doing alright. All but one of the children who should be, are in school, both parents are working, there is food on the table and they are safe. Much better than being in Liberia, I imagine.

Yoda is my favorite Star Wars character...I think he's Buddist (ok, I know he's a Jedi, but in real life, I think he's Buddist).

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