Friday, March 25, 2011

March Newsletter - Spring, Softball, and Sharia

I write this on the first day of spring (March 20th, hence the "March/April" title). Walking Bert today, I see many of our neighbors for the first time since winter started; like sleepy bears coming out of a long hibernation (except these bears are throwing baseballs to each other and sweeping the street while muttering under their breath about how whomever planted the particular type of tree 100 years ago wasn't very thoughtful, given the overabundance of detritus it produces). It's a little shocking that last month had this photo:

Power Lines in Indiana Covered with ice

This is from an article in ""

But enough about the weather!

Goings on at Crescent Project

As you may recall, Oasis is our three-day conference, held this year in November in Washington D.C.. To get a feeling for it, I'd like to invite you to join me April 2nd (Saturday), from 10:00a - 11:30a at College Park Church. You can click here for more details.

In Chicago at the end of May, is our five-day intensive training, the Sahara Challenge.

Can You See Me?

Our women's advocacy group is hosting a talk on May 13th as part of the "Can you see me?" series to teach about social justice for women in the Muslim world. While I'd love to say, I'll see you there, I don't think I'm allowed to go.

As you may recall, I'm at Crescent Project
two days a week. I'm working hard to learn the ropes; diving into the computer and financial systems while helping to hire an assistant for the president.

The Mitchells

Maddie is volunteering at Habitat for Humanity over spring break, and got a stellar report card this quarter. Molly just started softball (and track and field, for that matter), which meant a trip to Dick's at 9pm to buy cleats (since her feet are embarrassingly differently sized, we attempted to buy a mis-matched pair but the cashier insisted on giving us a second pair of shoes for free...I'm still not sure if she made a mistake or was just being nice. I find it best not to ask too many questions in these situations).

Please let me know if you have any specific prayer needs.

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