Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 2010 Newsletter - Oasis Conference

Oasis Conference Report

Woman in Red Scarf

I spent this past weekend in Nashville, Tennessee at the three-day Oasis Conference (next year it's in Washington, D.C.). While the workshops at the conference were high-quality, the highlight for me was the trip to the Mosque (it was the first time I'd been in a Mosque). I was the driver of one of three mini-vans full of us white-bread Christians, and (even though the Imam was expecting us), at the last minute I had second thoughts. My trepidation was not caused by the fact that the women in our group had to separate from us men, enter in the back door, and we wouldn't see them again until after the service. The reason my heart leapt into my throat was the "protesters" displaying a huge sign that said something like "Jesus is the only way to heaven." I suddenly thought that perhaps today wasn't the best day for us to be visiting.

The Imam mentioned the protesters in his sermon. He cautioned the packed room of men (and boys) numbering over 150 to respond with a smile and the word "peace" when one of them, the Qur'an, or Islam itself is mocked. "I know that you could do something. I'm saying that you should only say "peace", and walk on." He (the Imam - an immigrant from Egypt named Mohammad) was surprisingly moderate, suggesting (when we asked if he would support it) that those who attend his Mosque should read the Bible! I don't know how typical that is, but it was refreshing.

Over 300 people attended the conference, and was nice to see the passion for lowering the walls of misunderstanding between Christians and Muslims.

The Mitchell Family


Maddie (our fifteen-year old daughter) is rowing (as in with oars) - the pro from the spectator side being that you get to attend something called a "regatta", which sounds very cool. The con is that the use of binoculars is pretty much required, lest you inadvertently cheer for the opposing team. Molly (our twelve-year old daughter) is busy babysitting and is linking up with a newer set of friends this semester for some reason I have yet to figure out. Courtney (my wife of twenty years) is happy and healthy. Bert (our three-year old shih tzu, adopted as a stray) thinks Courtney is his chinese emperor-master and won't leave her side, or allow any one of our five cats near her. I am trying to play racquetball every once in awhile for exercise, but am having trouble finding people who can beat me ;-).

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