Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So I'm at Dick's Sporting Goods store yesterday, buying my (today) 14-year old daughter Maddie her backpack for her freshman year (HAPPY B-DAY, MADDIE!), and I notice a sign at the counter saying that they are limiting the sales of ammo to two boxes per transaction.

After talking to the guy, it turns out that ever since Obama was elected, HANDGUN AMMO IS *FLYING* OFF THE SHELVES. He says he gets in a few boxes, and it's gone that day. Apparently, people are scared that the dems are going to enact some restrictive gun laws, so they are stocking up.


mediagiant said...

Although I would like to see some VERY strict gun control regulation, I would settle for reinstating the ban on assault weapons. Does a hunter really need an AK-47 with cop killer bullets? Do you really need an uzi to defend your family against an intruder? And why wouldn't you want to make it harder for unstable people and those with criminal records get guns?

If you're a responsible gun owner, nothing the Democrats have proposed should cramp your style.

kieron said...

Agree with everything you say (a first ;-))!

The likely regulations wouldn't be out of line.

Cathy said...

If I went to buy my teenage daughter a rucksack for camp and they were selling Handgun Ammo in the same shop I would be so freaked out!!
So lucky no big gun problem here...