Friday, May 29, 2009

Kittens and Viruses

All kittens have been given a matter of fact, we gave away SEVEN kittens. Now, you may recall that Alice only had a litter of five. So we had to come up with TWO extra to give away. We are officially kitten brokers now, I guess.

I just did the final cleaning of a virus from my PC that has been plaguing me for a month. It was particularly devious since is was not actually located on my PC, but had made subtle changes on my wireless router which were hampering me.

Here's my lesson (this should be an easy one, but lessons seem only able to be learned by experience): ALWAYS CHANGE THE DEFAULT PASSWORD. My router still had the username "admin" and the password "password". This allowed the virus to logon to the router, and change the DNS setting so that every time my computer (or any computer in the house, for that matter) logged onto the internet, it was routed to some shabby DNS server in Eastern Europe.

That server was not allowing me to connect to my anti-virus website, anti-spyware website, or to the windows update website!


Unknown said...

Erk again! thanks for the heads up and info from your experience. jomama

Kelley said...

When will the Picasa album be available from the houseboat trip ??