Monday, March 09, 2009

Priests with Ph.Ds: Stem Cells and Cloning *FIELD TRIP!*

If anyone wants to come with me to this, I'm going to try and go...I like the idea of priests with Ph.Ds whos job it is to help me figure out the moral issues of the day!


Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, the Director of Education for the National Catholic Bioethics center (who has testified before four state legislatures and has a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Yale) is giving a free talk on Wed, March 11th at 7:15pm with Q&A after, ending at 8:30p.

The title is "Stem Cells and Cloning: Understanding the Scientific Issues and Moral Objections".

It's at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church (600 block of S. East St.,) in downtown Indianapolis.

= More Stuff for those REALLY interested (this part is optional, of course) =

Mass at 5:45p
Light, meatless pasta dinner 6:30 ($5 donation suggested, and reservations by Monday requested: 317-636-4478)

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