Friday, November 28, 2008

S.O.S. - Abba

Why not a shot of Abba? Enjoy. [edit: 9/30/09: That cat on her dress scares me.]

Apropos of nothing - The girls and I went down to the circle this evening. I haven't been in such a crush of humanity since New Year's Eve in Times Square! They lit a giant "Christmas Tree".


Anonymous said...

verra nice....tanks

kieron said...

da nada!

Anonymous said...

Have Courtney and the girls watched Mamma Mia together? Rebecca and I watched it, now both girls are playing Abba songs 24/7. It's the ultimate mother-daughter movie.

kieron said...

I know at least Court and Maddie saw it together (and maybe Molly). They bought the CD and listened to it non-stop for about 2 weeks.

Now their on to other things.

I just got back from my work's Christmas party, and I got a wishlist item of mine: Olivia Newton John's Greatest Hits...