Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Want to play with my hamster?

I think this is cool, so I'm sharing! Click on him (or the wheel, etc.).


Anonymous said...

your little hamster is really cute but wearing me out...is there any way to stop him????

kieron said...

Hamsters never stop. But you don't have to watch them! Just scroll him off the page (but know in the back of your mind that HE'S STILL RUNNING!)

kieron said...

Here's another way: move your mouse to the corner of his cage...he'll come over. Then move your mouse VERY SLIGHTLY BACK AND FORTH every few seconds.

That basically hypnotizes him, but you have to keep at it.

Anonymous said...

and it's possible to feed him with finger tipping....but he looks so sad when i leave him, i feel bad..