Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Watchmen

This just in (from my Cousine)

Hi Friends and family!

Scott and his friends have submitted a short TV spot for a contest. If they win, their entry could end up in the upcoming film “The Watchman” due out in March.

For those of you who don’t know – “The Watchman” is a very popular graphic novel. It’s set in 1985 in an alternate United States. Adrian Veidt is one of the main characters and he’s built a commercial empire. It also has to do with superheroes and the end of the world (and a bunch of other stuff that Scott could explain!)

For the contest, they could create a fake mid-1980 TV commercial for one of Veidt’s companies: Veidt Airlines, Nostalgia perfume, or a sport shoe.

Scott and his buddies chose to make a commercial for Veidt Airlines. Since this is a contest –one of the ways they could win is from positive viewer feedback. So if you would like to watch their entry on youtube (its’ only 60 seconds long) you can find it by clicking on this link. Please add feedback and help them get noticed! Also look for little Ruby’s first cameo.

Here's the linky: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut1dKrwZbP8&fmt=18

Please share this with people who might like to see it.

Thanks! Kristina

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jake Strickbine
Date: Jun 2, 2008 1:03 PM
Subject: Watchmen Advertising Contest
Hello All:

For those of you who don't know what the heck is going on- we've just entered a TV spot into a contest where it could possibly end up being placed in The Watchmen film coming out next March. Basically- you're supposed to make a fake, mid-eighties style TV spot for one of Veidt Enterprises product lines. If you're still confused, you can check out the main page for the contest here, which explains everything better: http://www.youtube.com/watchmenmovie

Anyways- we made a spot for Veidt Air, and it is now live and viewable on YouTube. There will be two components to the contest- one that is based on a panel of judges, and the other, which will be based on community voting at YouTube. This is where you could come in: if you'd be willing to watch the video on YouTube, leave feedback, (positive, preferably) and help us get our 'view' count up, it could go a long way toward helping us get our spot noticed. If you have a myspace or facebook page, and you'd be willing to link the video to your page to help raise our 'view' count- that'd be killer- but I know that's not an option for everybody.

If nothing else, just watch the darn thing and, hopefully, have a chuckle or two!

Here's the linky: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut1dKrwZbP8&fmt=18

I just wanted to take a moment to thank Scottie, Shawn, Molly, Madina, Ryan and, of course, little Ruby for their patience and hard work in helping us create this thing. You guys all did an awesome job!


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