Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Do the Math

I went through the McDonalds' drive through this eve, and there was a sign saying that they have stopped serving sliced tomatoes NATIONWIDE due to some problems in Texas and New Mexico.

There have been no problems w/ McDonald's tomatoes, "But with an abundance of caution, we want to make sure our food items containing tomatoes are absolutely safe," says McDonalds.

Specifically, as of June 9th one out of every ten MILLION (10,000,000) Americans have been hospitalized due to a rotten tomato (23 people). No deaths. You are TEN TIMES more likely to WIN THE LOTTERY then to have had this problem.

Give me my tomato! Or at least, give me a choice.

Apgar on Apples, Undercooked meat, bad spinach. This is just the latest in a long line of problems blown out of proportion due, I think, to people's desire to feel more in control of their lives. Give up. You're not in control.

I'm not saying we should take unnecessary risks. I'm just saying, let's do the math.

P.S. I'm sure McDonald's has done the math. If I were them, I'd stop serving tomatoes nationwide at the drop of a hat too (without charging less for my product)!

[EDIT: 6/28 Ate at Micky D's today, and had a sliced tomato...]

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