Friday, June 13, 2008

A Church Break-In: People of Interest

Via e-mail today:

I got some upsetting news that the Rectory was broke into Wednesday night....Bridget said, that someone came to the side door and broke the windows, and undid the locks, but cut themselves up pretty bad, because there was blood everywhere.

She said, that all the doors off the hallway were locked, but they had taken a bench and had splintered the doors, and had also used the hall tree, and came through the doors that way. They were upstairs and everywhere. There wasn't anything that they didn't touch.

They also took Anita's computer and took the bus passes.

The police told them that they were probably strung out and needed a fix. ...the police didn't check with the hospital, because they didn't feel like they [the robbers] went to the hospital at the time.
I assume the police took samples of the blood from the window so they can match the DNA against any people of interest...

P.S. I don't actually suspect Lashawn of this particular crime. It's just an opportunity to link to his home page (and since the police said they were probably "strung out"...)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now the bus drivers can be undercover look-outs for cut-up computer totin' persons of interest.

Interesting neighborhood.