Tuesday, June 10, 2008

California county clerk to cut marriage ceremonies in wake of same-sex marriage decision

California county clerk to cut marriage ceremonies in wake of same-sex marriage decision: "Bakersfield, CA, Jun 10, 2008 / 03:20 am (CNA).- The county clerk of Kern County, California has announced that her office will perform no civil marriages at all because of the state Supreme Court’s decision not to stay its mandate legalizing same-sex marriages."

She considered resigning, but when she found out she wasn't legally obligated to do what she didn't believe in, she decided to make a stand. Way to go! Here's a link if you want to send her your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

In 1990 Rev James Anderton was a Commissioner of Police in Manchester, England, and also an Evangelical Christian. He was violently opposed to homosexuality, and became famous for saying publicly that gay people suffering from Aids were 'swimming around in a cesspool of their own making'.

Anonymous said...

A few years later, James Anderton's daughter, who was in her twenties, came out publicly as a lesbian.
When asked by the media for a response to her announcement, he replied 'She is as God made her.'

Way to go James.

kieron said...

I have no objection to same-sex attraction. As you say, it is how God made some of us. My objection is the separation of the act of sexual intercourse from one of its fundamental purposes - the creation of life.

Anonymous said...

So you agree it has other fundamental purposes?

kieron said...

Sure - to strengthen the bond between two married people...after all, they're supposed to be together for life!

Anonymous said...

Does this not apply to homosexual couples too?

kieron said...

If you mean does sex strengthen a homosexual bond, then of course.

My objection is the separation of the strengthening from the other fundamental purpose (procreation).

Anonymous said...

But aren't they separated already, post menopause etc?

kieron said...

Well...in that case, miracles can happen! Sarah and Abraham, for instance.

The key is that the act be open (not closed) to the transmission of life. Certain sexual acts are, by their nature, fundamentally closed to the transmission of life.

Post menopausal intercourse isn't one of those acts.

Anonymous said...

so no french kissing then?

kieron said...


Now you are getting into the definition of a sexual act! What about a back, or foot massage? For some, those are more sexually pleasureful than french kissing.

But I digress.

When I say "sexual act" I am not referring to french kissing. Unmarried people should usually refrain from french kissing for other reasons.