Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Year Ago This Month

I had three cookouts (memorial day, and all...this year so far: had better ramp up tomorrow, or I'm going to be mad).

I signed Courtney up for a coffee of the month club (which is still coming, even though we don't want it).

I bought Twilight Struggle (I've since played it 17 times). Since it cost $40...that's about $2.50 per play. Each game lasts an average of 3 hours, so I'm paying about $1.00 per hour for that entertainment. Compare to a movie at $9.00/2.5 hours = $3.60 per hour, or a book at $6/3 hours = $2.00 per hour, or going out to eat at $15/1.5 hours = $10 per hour.

Gaming has a GREAT bank for your buck...and it's social (which movies and book reading are not). Note also that I still OWN and can SELL my game (currently worth $25 used on Ebay) - figure that in and the per hour cost drops to about $0.50 per hour!!


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

For a man who lives with a wife that loves movies and a daughter that loves books, I would say you're a brave man too!!

kieron said...

why brave? Because of my brash blog posting?