Monday, May 19, 2008

We have short memories and hate Kites

#2 of Molly's FOUR birthday parties for her double-digit year.

1. Holiday world
2. Gramma and Grandpa's
3. Papa and Lynda's
4. Sleepover with 12 of her closest friends (we swear never to repeat such large sleepovers, but we have short memories).

As an aside, this weekend I asked Molly what she thought about kite flying (in preparation for taking her to a kite flying thing I've been invited to). She said she wasn't interested for the following reasons:
1. Kite flying is for 5 and under.
2. Kites always get caught in trees.
3. Kites don't come in any colors she likes.
My replies:

  1. Someone younger than 5 couldn't possibly fly a kite
  2. There are no trees where we are going to fly the kites
  3. That is ridiculous - kites come in all colors of the rainbow (unfortunately, we'll be borrowing a kite, so it's quite likely that she won't like the color)

1 comment:

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

Molly's reasonings are what we call over at our household Sloanism's, random bits of information made up by a 9 year old that they truly believe to be the truth!