Friday, May 09, 2008

Prayers of the Faithful for Sunday, May 11th (Vigil: Saturday, May 10th)

1. That mothers and fathers encourage their children to consider the consecrated life and religious vocations;

2. That Christian writers use literature to defend and promote the values of the human person;

3. That those who have more money than their needs require allow the Holy Spirit to guide their financial choices;

4. That the efforts of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul be effective in helping to lighten the burden of the poor;

5. That the members of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette embrace Christ's commission to bring the world to a greater acceptance of the value of personal selflessness and adherence to the golden rule;

Then pray for those who are sick, and those who have died.


Idea holding: That those who risk their lives for the freedom of our country know that they are appreciated.

Any more ideas from the peanut gallery (for next week)?


Anonymous said...

That all may practice compassion and tolerance and understand that their are many paths to the top of the mountain.

Anonymous said...

oops, read there instead of "their"...oy

kieron said...

I think that what appear as many paths are, in reality, the same path.