Friday, May 16, 2008

Before we go to press!

Here's your chance to comment, before we go to press! Handing these in tomorrow!

Prayers of the Faithful for Sunday, May 18th (Vigil: Saturday, May 17th)

1. That the people of all churches come together in one Spirit, one Lord, and one baptism, we pray to the Lord;

2. That Christian artists use their skills to defend and promote the values of the human person, we pray to the Lord;

3. That those who risk their lives for the freedom of our country know that they are appreciated, we pray to the Lord;

4. That the elderly, with so much wisdom to share, not feel lonely or forgotten, we pray to the Lord;

5. That those considering Our Lady of Lourdes school as an educational option for their children give weight to the value of a catholic education, we pray to the Lord;


Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

This is very nice Kieron!! You get an A for your homework!

kieron said...
