Monday, April 07, 2008

Field study in the Sierra Nevada's - Christopher Purvis

Hi gang!

Christopher needs some supplies for a trip out west this summer- please post this on your blog Kieron, in case any readers can help too!

If you have any supplies you're willing to lend, please let me know and I can be the holding area for the Indy donated/borrowed supplies for Chris. I'll send an updated list when I can cross some items off!

He leaves in a month!

Sam- he doesn't want any of YOUR socks honey…sorry…

Thanks so much!

-----Original Message-----
From: Purvis, Christopher Blade []
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 10:24 PM
To: Purvis, Kelley M
Subject: Field study in the Sierra Nevadas

Dearest Family,

I am taking a geology course this summer. It's called the Volcanoes of the Eastern Sierra Nevada: Geology and Natural Hertiage of the Long Valley Caldera. I know, it'a a long name. We have to attend six seminars this semester until classes are over. Then, on May 13 we fly to Las Vegas then drive to the portion of the Sierras near Yosemite.

Unfortunately, being a college student, I don't have the funds to acquire certain necessaties. Luckily, I am eligible for a scholarship that will give up to $1500. It covers tuition and mandatory fees. Below is a list of some items that we should bring. If anyone could help me in any way shape or form, I would greatly appreciate it.

Field Clothing:

I wear a 10.5 or 11 shoe
size Medium t-shirt
33/32 or 32/33? pants sizes, I think :)
I tend to read what everyone else is reading.

Sturdy Hiking boots (waterproof)
Cold weather gear (hat, gloves, base layer, thick socks, sweater, vest,
Warm weather gear (shorts, t-shirts, sunglasses) Good raincoat/windbreaker Comfortable footwear (running shoes, tevas, etc.) Sun hat Swimsuit

Other Field Equipment:
Sleeping bag (warm enough for chilly evenings in the mountain air) Small Pillow Daypack (large enough for field clothing, notebooks, etc) Sunglasses Sunblock Bug repellent Lip balm Toiletries Towel Personal first aid kit Medications Water Bottle Field notebook pens, pencils, flashlight

Optional Equipment that I may find useful:
rain pants
camera, film, batteries
long-distance phone card
good books!

I know it's a long list, but not all of these items are essential. Any help is aappreciated.


Chris Purvis

P.S. Can you foward this message to everyone (including dad) :) P.S.S. and delete the P.S. messages before it is sent, or else I would appear silly P.S.S.S Thanks

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