Sunday, January 13, 2008


Molly's volleyball coach is tough; but that's the way she likes it. She said that way she learns a lot more. It's interesting to see him in comparison to the other coach (who is nice, but doesn't give the girls as much feedback, and certainly never punishes them).

Molly's coach makes them do laps (the whole team) if one team member isn't doing something right. While they're running, they all have to yell out "THANK YOU, SALLY!" (if Sally is the one who make the error).

They have to "call the ball". The funny thing is, not only is the whole team punished if someone DOESN'T call it, but the while team is punished if someone DOES call it, but fails to "make the play."

Oh yeah, today is the last liturgical day of Christmas (with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord). Traditionally, it ends with Epiphany (on the "twelfth day of Christmas"). And, of course, from a secular perspective, I think it ends with Christmas day (which is when it BEGINS, from a Church perspective). Whew.

1 comment:

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

Yea, I hear his coaching style helps Sloan with her serves too!!!!