Friday, December 21, 2007

Popularity is difficult

We've been invited to no fewer than THREE parties on the same night this weekend. Ah...memories of Superbowl Sunday. Popularity is difficult.

Maddie has a blog...Cameron will be glad to hear she has an outlet for her creativity that doesn't involve posting here.

I finished a choppy version of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind (w/ Jim Carrey). Unfortunately, it skipped quite a bit. Very frustrating.

And since "no one cares what you had for lunch", I bring you come creative writing (free of charge):

He stepped lightly from the last step onto the railway platform. It was slick with rain, shimmering like a thousand fireflies caught in a jar on a summer evening. He knew what he had to do, but he was stalling.
That's all I've got for reminds me that there is this web site where you can write what happens next to the character. I'll see if I can find it. If you remember, post a comment.


Anonymous said...

did cameron comment to you about him being bothered by my posting?

kieron said...

Just about EVERYONE has complained about my blog at some time or another...Mom...each of my friends. It's just part of having an interesting blog.

If no one complains, you aren't pushing enough.

I'm sure Cameron reads my blog because he's interested in what I have to say...not as much because he's interested in what YOU have to say (just as your friends wouldn't be interested in reading my posts on YOUR blog ;-)).



Anonymous said...

i am offended