Sunday, December 09, 2007

Lest her Elvish Blood Boil

My laptop at home has been so slow as to be unusable, so I wiped it clean (reformatted the hard drive), and started over.

Of course this was not without problems. I'm (after a week) still trying to recover from this clean slating. My screen is small, and it isn't much faster than before are my two main problems ATM.

Molly is an Elf at the OLL Santa breakfast this morning. She's helping to guide children to the lap of Santa. Unfortunately, she is the only one of the three elves who can't do a cartwheel, plus it's her first year (the other two did it last year). These two strikes combine to make her a second class Elf (IMHO). Sad, but true. Perhaps by next year she'll be able to do a cartwheel.

We sold Molly's guitar to some cool dude from Carmel with $90 in cash. We're now borrowing the K's acoustic, which I've taken to with a vengeance (by which I mean that I practice it once in awhile, can now play 2 or 3 chords, and about 4 notes). I'VE GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN MY HANDS.

Well, better go pick up Molly, lest her Elvish blood boil for having been left in the cold.

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