Friday, December 28, 2007

Fiddling with my Sidebar

The girls had a good Christmas (not that it's over, being the twelve days of Christmas and all). Molly is literally drowning in Webkinz, while Maddie got a (hold onto your hats, folks) CELLPHONE.

Please pray for the soul of Mary Teresa Schwering, who died Christmas Eve. I talked to her husband that evening at Church, and told him how sorry I was. He said, "She's spending Christmas with Christopher."

Next year I get an additional five days of vacation (for a total of 15)...five more years and I'll be up to the 20 I had five years ago. Heh. Nice that I don't care too much.

As you can see, I've been fiddling a bit with my sidebar (that's not a euphemism). I've added "My Bookshelf", and permalinks to my wishlists (since I got tired of reposting them).

"My Bookshelf" is a widget from facebook. If you don't know what that means, don't worry about it. Suffice it to say that I'm big into widgets now. Eventually, this one will mirror my actual bookshelf...if you want to see what I'm reading, click on "reading now" next to "all books".

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