Sunday, December 16, 2007

2007 Year-End Summary

This is my year-end summary post, so if you are a regular blog reader, feel free to skip it.

But, for those who hit me once a year - this bud's for you! To get more info (pictures of our August Disney trip, for example), find the "Archive" drop-down at the bottom of this page, on the left-hand side, and select the month you are interested in.

Maddie, at 12, had a few major "firsts" this year - growing into adulthood. Hanging at the mall w/ friends, junior-high dance, bombfire, and just in general being by herself or just with friends more and more. She went on a bus trip to D.C. in June with a million girl scouts.

Molly, at 9, is sweet as ever - sleepovers on the weekending being the rule. She enjoyed basketball and kickball this year (4th grade being the first time organized sports begin at OLL)

Chess club entered it's second year, and we joined the CYO competition against other schools, coming in 2nd city-wide.

At work, we started adding on in August (big time...doubling our warehouse space, and finishing a second story). When I say "we", I mean "others at work". Although, I do help when forced. We should be done by this time next year.

I continue to take Tai-Chi (having graduated to the intermediate class in September), but I don't practice daily like I used to. However, I do tend to stand a bit differently when I'm waiting in line.

Our Neighborhood continues to be interesting (crime-wise).

Working backwards through the year - here are the highlights:

In August, our family went to Disney in Florida (first time for me). When I was growing up, I always told myself that I'd like to take my girls to Disney when they are 12 and 9 (so they can appreciate it). It was miserably hot, but nice to spend it with family (my whole family was there at one point or another). Since it was at the same time as Gen Con, I went to Origins this year instead.

In July, the family (sans moi) took their annual trek to Michigan. It was sans moi, since I haven't enough vacation days (to be remedied this next year, since it'll be MY FIFTH at FAME, and I'll get 15 days instead of 10!).

In May, we had a block party - with a Keg no less (another first for me).

In February, Courtney bought $150 in chicken out of the back of a truck.

In January, we were invited to THREE superbowl parties, and I became a second cousin (I think).

Well, that about wraps it up! Please let me know if you start blogging, so I can keep up with your life and thoughts, and pop a comment on now and then to let me know you are reading my drivel.

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