Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Stuffed from Salmon

I'm sitting here, stuffed from salmon fillet from Bob Evans, having just finished watching Schindler's List.

** spoiler **

When he says, at the end, "Why did I keep this car? I could have saved 10 more." He's sobbing. I feel that way too, sometimes. I mean - who am I to eat a piece of cake when I could forgo it and help someone? It's not like I NEED that piece of cake.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, sobering movie.

Now, about "cake". Another word for "cake" is: "God's blessing" (I know, it's two words! Cut me some slack!). We are fairly obligated to take, enjoy and and be grateful for the blessings we get, whatever they may be. Cake, like a beautiful sunset, a baby's laugh and a warm, dry bed, is to be enjoyed. God intended us to enjoy, as long as we give Him the credit!

It is about balance, however. Everyone must come to their own point of when "too much is too much". It will be different for each individual. I know, I enjoy cake beyond what is neccessary to appreciate it as God's revelation. I go past that point. But the cake itself is NOT a curse.

Guilt works. It tells us something is wrong. But do not avoid blessing for fear of guilt.

and now the punch line....

kieron said...

Hay! What's the punch line??

Thanks for your comments. I DO enjoy God's blessings (when forced upon me), that's for sure.

Cake is not like a sunset or a baby's laugh in that you can't have your cake and eat it too! It goes away BECAUSE you eat it. Everyone within ear (or eye) shot can (and should) enjoy the sunset or the laugh.

The piece of cake, on the other hand, is being taken away from the starving child (in that instead of buying it, you could donate to a charity that provides food to the starving). So how can I enjoy it?

Anonymous said...

Not to speak of the salmon fillet...

Anonymous said...

How 'bout a middle path....if you need it, eat it. If you don't, don't.

(sometimes you need to eat cake, somtimes you don't so is all OK).

kieron said...

Exactly. How many yachts can you ski behind?