Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pick yourself back up off the floor.

Today I did some minor deck repair, and worked in the garage. Yes, this is Kieron writing this. Pick yourself back up off the floor.

Yesterday (Saturday) I was at work from 7:30a to 1:45p (for a Board Meeting), then I was off to the the Irvington Halloween Festival for awhile. It's a good chance to talk to people from the community, and the kids seem to have a lot of fun.

In the evening the P's and the M's came over for games. We played Time's Up, Perudo (Liar's Dice), Snorta, and Smarty Party. Each couple won a game. Ed won Snorta since he grew up on a farm.

I'm in the middle of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship. It's based on the beatitudes, and I'm currently thinking through loving my enemy.

Well, tonight we are hosting a dinner with the C's and the P's (again), so I've got to wrap it up.


kieron said...

I heard a complaint yesterday, that I didn't include Ms. P. and Mr. M. in my list of attendees at the party.

Fact is, I did. Not my fault that all the attendees' last names started with either P or M.


As you know, it's my policy to not mention last names.

Unknown said...

i love snorta! hope you and yours are well. love from IL, 'becca and boys

kieron said...

Thanks for checking in on my blog! Good to hear from you!