Saturday, September 08, 2007

I can't come back

Maddie and two of her friends just walked out the door, to participate in that right of passage: the first Junior High Dance (which I've been told is 7th and 8th grade only). Since when is Jr. High just 7th and 8th grade, anyway? I'm proud to say that they chose to dress properly - unlike some others I'm sure who will show up with bare midriff and more makeup than a clown.

Happy B-day to yours truly! I've been milking the day for all it's worth, eating up a storm, and kicking back and letting Court do all the chores. Wait a minute. That describes my life in general! Ah...sweet, sweet, life.

Court bought me a pair of Sunglasses I've been wanting (WileyX XL-1), which arrived today. I tried buying the cheapest K-Mart had to offer, and, one after the other, they kept breaking within days. This brand, on the other hand, are well-neigh indestructible (according to a military web-site I was looking at).

In other news, today my Tai-Chi instructor said that I can't come back...since I've been PROMOTED TO THE INTERMEDIATE CLASS! To be fair, it's really only since the beginner class is now full, and he needs the slot. I've been taking classes for about a year, meeting pretty consistently each week and practicing at least once a week. I'm still about 1/2 way through the form.

As you might remember, there are no ranks or "belts" in Tai-Chi. There is no competition per se. Which reminds me - Kelley was thoughtful enough to get me one of the books high on my "want list" (thanks,, and Kelley!): The Book of the 5 Rings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I posted about a week ago but see that it didn't take.

Congrats on tai chi promotion. Am not surprised.

Warning: you'll be teaching/helping your teacher more and more...and probably pulling in more students.