Thursday, August 02, 2007

Rob us Blind

We are leaving for Orlando/Disney on Saturday for TWO WEEKS IN THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST. This would be a perfect time for techno-savvy robbers to figure this out via my blog, and rob us blind (which they also could have done when we went to Rome awhile back). But they don't need my blog to do that...both the girls bikes were stolen off our porch last night (the second time this has happened).

The good thing about going to Disney in August is that it's the time of year when everyone thinks the crowds will be low. The bad thing is that there are so many people thinking this, that it is crowded. But it isn't just a normal crowd, you see. It's a crowd of people who don't like crowds. And it's 150 degrees.


I think I've figured out a free way to get internet down there (10 hours worth), as long as they have a working phone line. We'll see.

The title of this post reminds me of the title of that book in the 60's "Steal this Book".

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