Saturday, August 04, 2007

Laptop on the stove

I decided to bring the portable down to Disney (actually, Maddie decided, and I acquiesced), so now I'm sitting at the 4 bedroom villa, with the laptop on the stove (don't ask), typing away whilst the girls swim in the in-ground pool in the back yard.

The Smith's arrive tonight at 7pm, so I'm going to bop over to the Continental web site and confirm it. We're going to pick them up, so they don't have to drive straight-away after 36 hours of travel!


Anonymous said...

Hello gang!!

The kittens are doing great- I had to coax Pumpkin in last night with some tuna- then the others wanted some. So they all had a special treat! They purr everytime we pick them up. I tried to watch tv with Elphie, but do you think I can figure out HOW to work the 7 contraptions with the remote? I just want to watch the news- no movie, no tevo, no digital display- just the news- so far- no luck.
Hope you're having a ball! Miss you guys- I moved the cars further down the driveway.
Kieron- Troy dropped a game timer off for ya.

I had lunch with Edward yesterday- loved him! We're going out Fri and Sat this weekend- he's the ex Army Ranger Special Forces -current Project/Chemical/Mechanical Engineer, fluent in Spanish, took culinary courses, builds homes, had flower gardens, builds greenhouses and motorcycles. collects art, history books and wine guy. You know- they're a dime a dozen really.

Enjoy your time! Love you all- kp

kieron said...

Thanks for your note, Kel-mo. We miss you guys, and I know Court misses the kittys too.

Hope things go well with the new guy.

As far as the TV...just use the Tivo remote, turn on the power, and press "Live TV". The channel and volume buttons should work from there...