Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Hot. I have no A/C in my car...but neither do most of the people in Haiti, so who am I to complain?

Had lunch with DanD today. Maddie is babysitting tonight. At work, my preparation for the auditors (they will be in on Thurs and Fri) continues. I actually finished today (phase I, phase II will be in September).

Most of the internal walls at work are gone. Literally. They've been torn down, and all 8 of us are sharing three rooms (the conference room has three of us, and two of us are in the office supply room). Our newest hire will be sharing the bosses' office.

I need to check out www.peteranswers.com (it's down right now).


Anonymous said...

I hope you check out that website at home b/c I don't think I would want my employer to see that I had been to a website with that name.

kieron said...

True, true. That reminds me - I still need to check it out, now my funk soul brother.