Sunday, July 15, 2007

At least 50 people

We just got back from celebrating Mass, after which were coffee and donuts (Court baked some stuff for it as well). There were at least 50 people after church! [edit 7/23/07: I just found out they renamed it "Fellowship Sunday" or something like that from "New Member Greeting" or something like that. Maybe that explains the increase? Probably not.]

Maddie goes to CYO camp today for a week.

Yesterday Court went to our neighbor's lake house for the day, and I played games with Leroy and DaveK. We played Confrontation, Shipwrecked (3x), and (believe it or not) Risk (all from noon to about 7pm).

I went to Tai-Chi yesterday morning, but no one else was there! And when I say no one, I mean not even the instructor. So I just worked out by myself for about 45 minutes, and left.

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