Sunday, July 29, 2007

I pretend to be her, and act real mean.

Ok, Facebook. I guess I'm hooked. Seems much better than myspace, for some reason. Catherine invited me, then I invited all my contacts.

My "p" key sticks, big time. Highly annoying. I think I'll try and avoid words that have a "p" in them.


Yesterday I played games with Leroy (Awful Green Things, which he liked and would like to play again, and Magic). Today I did my Tai-Chi, saw The Simpsons Movie with SamP, went to Irvington's biggest losers (they are started their new session today), then Church, then a quick game of Memoir '44 with DaveK. Whew! A full day.

Maddie does IM all the time, and her friends keep IMing her, even when she's AFK, and it's me on the keyboard. I pretend to be her, and act real mean.


Anonymous said...

You do not!
Do you??

Anonymous said...

Heard that there were good photos of the FAME fund-raising dinner? Could you enter those onto your blog on somewhere onto Facebook?

Your blog album is really cool.

Anonymous said...



kieron said...

IM = Internet Messenger
AFK = Away from Keyboard

I don't really pretend to be her.

kieron said...
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