Monday, June 11, 2007


Went out to dinner at Lincoln Square with SamP at about 9:45p after playing TWO games of TS with Jim Ginn on Saturday. SamP and I played "Pass the Pigs" at the table. It's a fun game, mostly because the pigs look so cute and you yell things like "DOUBLE JOWLER!" (shocking patrons and chagrining waitstaff).

On Sunday, Molly and I went swimming at the neighbors (I'm a bit sunburned now), then I played another game (just 3 turns out of 10) with John. It turns out that game isn't his cup of tea, so no more TS for him (poor guy). Church was "Corpus Christi", meaning the "Body of Christ", so the sermon was on the eucharist (meaning "thanksgiving", so we should always try to receive it even if we think we otherwise don't "need" it).

After church I grilled a burger.

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