Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day weekend, a redux

Memorial Day weekend, a redux (whatever that means):

  1. Three cookouts (two hosted, one attended - at John and Jill's),
  2. two Masses (one at OLL, and one today at the cemetery with SamA),
  3. one Birthday party attended (by Molly - Drew's),
  4. one sleepover held,
  5. two kittens adopted (bringing the total to five cats...which, if you're counting you'll notice should be six but one died recently in an accident),
  6. two games of Twilight Struggle played (the second one took 90 minutes to go one turn),
  7. ten games of Werewolf played (eight won).
That's all I can think of at the moment.

Thank you for your attention.

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