Tuesday, April 03, 2007

It's Holy Week

Chess club went well yesterday...we had like 32 kids.

It's Holy Week (what Sunday is to the week is what Holy week is to the year):

  1. Mass tomorrow morning (Molly is reading the psalm).
  2. Mass the next evening (Thursday) at 7pm (getting my feet washed, always a good thing)
  3. Living stations of the cross on Friday morning (the children do this - Maddie is going to be part of it) - 9am.
  4. Mass at 1:30pm that same day (I think it's at 1:30).
  5. Then the culmination the next evening (Saturday) - the Easter vigil mass at 8:30p...where the new members of the church are baptized. It's a three-hour mass, followed by adoration until midnight.
I would be going tonight to the "Chrism" mass downtown (where the oils to be used for various rites are blessed), but I've got a DoA game scheduled. It's important to have your priorities set correctly.

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