Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pride and Prejudice

Whew - another week flew by...It's now Sunday (four minutes ago).

The whole fan-damily just finished the movie Pride and was really good. We've got "total access" by blockbuster, which is a bit better than netflix since you get a free movie from the bricks and mortar store with each return (since, of course, we must never be without a movie).

I've set up a laptop (working now, except that I'd like to make it wireless). [Edit...1:14a...wireless is now working, and I'm blogging from my bed while Court is watching SNL]

Good news - the Tai-Chi school isn't going to close down...they are working on improving their marketing, etc.

Courtney bid on 10 hours of interior decorating work at the OLL silent auction awhile back, and boy are we getting our money's worth! Here's a pic of the husband-wife team hanging our blinds! Talk about going above and beyond!

Played DoA on's a photo:

Well, Molly's yelling at me to tuck her in...later!

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