Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Understanding God's Will

Went to a 2 1/2 day retreat up north about 3 hours from here.

It was interesting, but there were some problems with it (so much so, that one of the presenters sent me a letter of correction/apology!). The topic was "understanding God's will". My two basic take-aways were that God's will is to be the best that you can be, and that we should follow his son more closely.

The retreat center was an odd mix of old and new (like St. Meinrad): In the case of various emergencies, the PA would announce different "codes". Code red was fire, grey was tornado watch, and black was tornado warning. A sheet on the door told you what do in each case. I heard that there was also a code for a missing child, but I don't know what you're supposed to do in that case...maybe look under the bed?

Chess club is going well - 35 kids at the last one - check out the link on the left for more details.


Anonymous said...

What did they apologize for? Was it content? Housing arrangements? What?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we're all curiouser and curiouser. More info please. Don't leave us guessing.

Anonymous said...

Did you have a major membership drive for the chess club?? 35 is alot of kiddos! That's awesome!

kieron said...

Re: the apology. The presenter basically said that you can receive communion even in a state of mortal sin (which is incorrect...see 1 Cor 11:27-29). He was trying to focus on the loving, forgiving, nature of God (which is a good thing).

Re: chess club. We basically opened it up to the whole school (it had been only fully open and marketed to 6-8th grades). Flyers, blurbs in the newsletter, and a table at the open house. Plus word of mouth...

It's funny - the chess club officers decided to only allow whispering! We'll see how that goes.