I closed my eyes through most of it...
My 'rents and bro came up on Thursday, we ate dinner and then played games. It was fun. Kerry stayed the night, and I had lunch with him the next day (Chinese Buffet).
Court took him to the airport for a 5pm flight, and then we hosted dinner for Lonnie and Ted (I work with Lonnie at FAME). We had a nice surprise right after dinner - Kerry's flight was cancelled due to weather, so he took a taxi back to us and joined us for the evening and overnight again!
We played a card game Ted and Lonnie called "The Game" (which I now believe is based on a French game called "Barbu"). It was fun (it's a game in which you try to avoid taking tricks), we ended up playing it twice yesterday (after we played Pit, Charades, Zoom and LCR (see links to the right for some of these)!
Today from 9a-4p, Court and I were at a Foster Parent training class (our first). It was a little scary. We had to see pictures and hear descriptions of physical child abuse. I closed my eyes through most of it...We had dinner this evening (the "Fruit Flush" for all the adults except me, since they didn't invite me).
We've just finished playing another round of Barbette...Court likes it pretty well. Since I skipped my Tai-Chi this morning, I did my stretching while they played their second game.
1 comment:
Please consider this your
blog-vite for the Fruit Flush!
when: Thursday, 1.11.07
where: grams for the whey
who: so far gram and me
what: the flushilator
no gifts please...
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