Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Vomit it up

Maddie didn't finish her cereal this morning, and Pumpkin (our black kitten) started to eat it.

Maddie put it down on the floor, to let Pumpkin continue to eat it (Tally - the white one - joined in at this point). I say:

1. They're going to spill it.
2. They're going to vomit it up.

Well...let's just say they didn't spill it.


I wanted to mention that our team (thanks to DavidN) is winning the biggest loser competition. I think I just heard Casey's horn....


Anonymous said...

And one of the girls did a good job cleaning it up, right?

kieron said...

Yes, Maddie did!

Anonymous said...

Does Maddie usually clean up after Molly? Does Molly refuse?

kieron said...

Well, since Maddie was the "cause" of the mess, Court made her clean it up.