Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sunday Stuff

The girls and Sam and I went to the Indiana State Museum yesterday, and saw a pretty cool exhibit on forensic science.

I've been pretty busy at work, preparing for an upcoming board meeting which coincides with the National Missionary Convention in Indy. And, since I was gone the week before last (at Waveland), I've been trying to catch up on my mail, etc.

Today I need to:

  1. Make some calls for our Church's Capital Campaign (we have a dinner next weekend I'm supposed to invite people to).
  2. Call Kerry (I haven't talked to him in awhile)
  3. Fix a low tire on Court's van
  4. Go to Fatima retreat house to listen to a talk on "Liturgy 201"
Speaking of liturgy, the Jehovah's witnesses knocked on our door while I was in the shower, and gave Maddie a pamphlet decrying the whore of babylon. I was sorry I missed them, as I would like to invite them in for a nice discussion over the Bible.

Chess club is going well - I'm extending it (thanks to my boss, Rick, for being flexible!) for 5-6 weeks to get though the text (it's taking about twice as long as I thought it would).

I've decided to stop hosting poker at my house...if someone else hosts, I may go. I need to send an e-mail out about that.

Sam is over here right now, reading the last chapter of a book that Maddie loaned him, "Hatchet".

Well, better run!


Anonymous said... poker at Kieron's house? Why the change?


kieron said...

Oh, a couple things. Times change. All good things must come to an end (almost), etc. etc.