Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Please support little bits of good

From: Kelley


Hello all!

A co-worker of mine has created a website called and is looking for elves to make a family-in-need's Christmas a little nicer. The Indianapolis Catholic Archdiocese provided four refugee families for the site!  This is a way to give back :-)  It's similar to the Giving Trees in Target where you grab a name from the tree.


There is also another great feature on this website that gives you a list of names/addresses of shut ins or nursing home residents, and you can write a Christmas card and send it to them!  Kindness makes the world go 'round!  No pressure, just trying to get the word out!  Sam Purvis, Buster Purvis and I are adopting a refugee family with an 8 yr old boy and a mom!

Happy Holidays!   Kelley


From: Jodi M. Ammons []
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 10:01 AM
Subject: Please support little bits of good

If you are already on my mailing list, this is a duplicate message and I apologize in advance.

I have a few more grey hairs and a minor case of eye strain (suddenly I feel very old … LOL), but it’s finally done! I am absolutely thrilled to announce the debut of

This year my goal is to find sponsors for twelve (12) families that are seeking holiday help. The families are from across the U.S. There is also a small group of refugee families that need assistance. As a sponsor, you agree to shop for holiday goodies based on the family’s need/wish list and ship the gifts directly to the family.

Please take a moment to visit my site and consider becoming one of my ‘elves’. You’ll be so glad you did!

Happy Holidays!



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