Saturday, November 18, 2006

By the grace of God, I found my wallet

I have a full afternoon - and just two minutes to write this as I eat my lunch (a Slimfast, due to "ILose" - Irvington Biggest Loser competition - and the fact that I didn't plan enough time to eat a slow lunch).

We have an open house at work, and I'm in charge of the shuttle busses (and parking) from the convention center downtown to our building. My parents are coming, I found out last night (yeah!). Courtney is going to drop by, with Molly (at least) in tow.

By the grace of God, I found my wallet (it was pushed off my nightstand AND UNDER MY BED by the kittens). Molly knew where it was.

Maddie is doing a "safe sitter" class at the "Y".

Well, I'm now running 30 sec. behind, so I'd better run!


Anonymous said...

Went to the FAME open house and was glad to be reminded that Christianizing the untouchables of India rescues them from the misery of the caste system.

It was also emphasized that they are the shepherds (biblical parlance for environmentalists??) and being the meekest among us shall inherit the earth and continue to be its caretaker.

kieron said...

I'm glad you went!

I think (but am not sure) that the "shepherds" reference was literal (hearding cows, pigs, etc.).

I was impressed that 14% of India are "shepherds" - which is 150 million people! Half the size of America...just of shepherds!