Monday, October 02, 2006

They've been on three dates so far

I found this next to our computer. Apparently, Maddie has to make a schedule for her Sim for Sim University. The back of it has the exact same schedule written out, except Day 4 is "work in cafeteria"

Courtney said that last night, Maddie came to her, excited that Garrett had given Taya roses. They've been on three dates so far, and things are going quite well.

In other news, Molly's Tae Kwon Do ("The way of hand and foot") instructor had them breaking fake boards today, so her hand hurts. I think they are too inexperienced to do that, and it isn't good to focus on breaking boards anyway.

The back of the instructor's jacket says "State Champ, 2001", but he looks pretty uncoordinated. I wonder what he's "State Champ" in...could be sparring, I guess. It certainly isn't form.

I played chess with Cameron today at work. He seemed to enjoy it...I couldn't find our chess set, so I had to print one out off the 'geek. It worked ok, but it was kinda hard moving the pieces.

Well, I'd better go if I'm to put the girls to bed in time to watch Studio 60 (I know I have Tivo).


Anonymous said...

The tkd teacher sounds like bad news. Molly will mess up her hands if she continues to flail around on artificial (especially) or even real boards. She's too young and the growing tip of her cartilage can easily damage with such abuse and will not continue to grow properly. You should find a safe teacher for her.

Anonymous said...

How old is Garrett? Is he a dreamboat? is Taya a bubblehead?

The schedule sounds like a real teen paradise. Let's hope Reality won't be too much of a trauma when it arrives.

Anonymous said...

where do the billions come from? Aren't they being spent in Iraq anyway?

Makes us wanna rob a gunstore or smthg.

kieron said...

The instructor does insist they they use palm-heel strikes to break, and ball-of-foot, heel-of-foot, and elbow, so there shouldn't be any cartlidge issues.

At any rate, the class is over soon.

kieron said...

Answers from Maddie (always the conversationalist):

re: How old is Garrett? (Senior) Is he a dreamboat? (kind of) is Taya a bubblehead? (no)

Anonymous said...

Is Taya also a senior? Would like to know more about their personalities. Wouldn't you? Or at least their character, which really isn't the same thing, is it?

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynda! She was a Senior, and is now married with 3 children (one was adopted, I might add).

We got two new kittens!

Bye! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Maddie,

What gave Taya and Garrett the idea to adopt a child? Is the adoptee American Ethnic or Asian or different from their biological children in some way, maybe?

What are the names of the new kittens?

Love you, too. Thanks for answering.


kieron said...

Ireally just wanted more children faster.Adopting is within the week!

The child I think is asian because his name is Ifran.
the kittens are Tally and Pumpkin.

