Saturday, October 28, 2006

Back from Waveland!

I got back Thursday night, and went to an "Advanced Excel" training on Friday. Today I did Tai Chi and went to the Irvington Halloween Festival (they block off Washington Street, and have a gay ol' time). The girls are going to Beef and Boards, South Pacific.

Thanks again for those who contributed towards the expenses for the trip from this past week. We focused on one house the whole week. The couple (Brian and Jan Roe) were extremely nice parishioners of St. Clare's. Following their agent's advice, they hadn't bought flood insurance, so they basically didn't get any insurance money to rebuild their house (which had a couple walls blown out). Not being able to afford to rebuild on thier own, they have been living in a "FEMA trailer" next to their uninhabitable house for the past 14 months.

I'll post pictures here later, when I get some from the team.

Here's the journal I wrote during the trip:

10/22-23 12:25a/11:25p

Don't know exactly what time/day it is, but we're here. Pitch dark and cold, there are more than 10 giant (50 ft long) tents in the compound. I pick the closest to my car and the latrine (for obvious reasons), even though I have to sleep on the floor (the other tent had cots, but no heat, and it was further away). I'll be told in the morning that our tent may be removed during the day. Like the squatters of old, we leave any personal belongings behind in the tent in hopes the tent destruction gods will have mercy on us.


10/23 8:18a (Monday)

Letting my freak flag fly, I practiced my Tai-Chi "in public" today. Watched the sun rise over the gulf of Mexico. While the showers were nice and hot (with more water pressure than at home), it was pretty cold in the bathrooms. At least I didn't have to go looking for a bucket to fill the toilets so they'd flush. What luxury!


Today I:

  • Nailed hurricaine supports (to keep the overhang from blowing off in high winds)
  • Sprayed bleach to kill mildew
  • Ripped out staples for electrical wires
I did this basically the whole day, except for breaks and lunch. The bleach was a little scary, since I had to dodge the drips as I sprayed it above my head - I was very happy to have John's safety galsses - thanks John! I learned that bleach burns when you get it in your eyes. Duh.

I think tonight we're going to a cajun restaurant.

Everyone is very nice.

9p: I had a Hot Alligator Sausage Po-Boy for dinner. $7.50


10/24 7:15a (Tuesday)

Slept well last night. Larry (one of two roomies) loaned me an air mattress. He's a nice guy.

I met a man named Bill who is on our team (he's maybe 65?) who's lived with his mother all his life. He seems a very simple man, and quick to smile. His mom took care of him until she died two years ago, at 92 years old. He's been working at Cummins as a janitor for over 40 years. This is his second time travelling with a team down here (taking vacation to come), and he's coming again for this thanksgiving vacation. I'm glad he's part of the Church.


My neck hurts. I think it's from looking up at the ceiling to spray more bleach today. Today I: Nailed up siding, fell off a ladder.


Had a very nice dinner - Fa. Cuddy joined us (he's from Ireland). Saw a sign on the way to dinner - "STATE FARM SUCKS". Insurance is very important down here - I heard that there's a class action lawsuit against them.


10/25 6:25p (Wednesday)

I'm packed and (now 11:56p) left after dinner and drove for a couple hours to get a head start on the trip back. They (yes, the mysterious "they") had unhooked the electricity and planned to "move our tent" the next day, so we basically had to vacate anyway, so I thought it was time to go!

Today I:
  • Removed siding
  • Got lunch for everyone
  • Acted as a bucket of sand (albeit 30 feet in the air, at one end of a board)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And buckets of sand serve who only stand and wait.