Thursday, September 28, 2006

One Year Ago, September 26th

1. I recorded a Dungeon Twister instructional video, which Troy HAS STILL NOT UPLOADED TO THE INTERNET. How about burning that sucker to a CD for me, dude?

2. Kelley listed her house (which she just sold a couple days ago). 1 YEAR ON THE MARKET. What a pain.


Anonymous said...

How much did Kelley get for her house and just how much of her shirt did she lose?

a nosey family blogreader: mojomomma

kieron said...

Kelley got $91K, she owes $87, improvements, housepayments, utilities of $10, closing and comissions of $9. So she lost $15.

Plus the closing was supposed to be tomorrow, 10/10, but has been delayed due to Columbus day today.