His armpits did smell just fine this morning
The troops left for Hawaii this morning (or technically, yesterday morning). I'm parenting the three kidlets (Sam included). They return next Sunday.
We went to the Welch's for pizza (but I insisted on Chinese, which was a bit bland since I went for something healthier than fried chicken (which is what sweet and sour chicken is, which is what I ALWAYS get) - so we had both...Mike and I ate Chinese, and the rest of the group ate pizza). We left a bit early (8:30) since I had a headache. It's better now, thanks for asking.I'm starting up the chess club at OLL (my girl's school), so I ordered a chess book, another teaching aid, and have started playing chess online (to warm myself up and try and get a provisional rating). My username is kieronm. I'm playing in 6 games right now (the maximum w/o paying anything). When I do something, I pretty much throw myself into it.
The tentative start date of the chess club is 10/12. I have to wait 'til then, in part, since I have to take a 3 hour class on "Protecting God's Children". Which I don't mind doing, in the least - and I'm glad that it's required (can't hurt, after all). It's as a result of the sex scandal in the Catholic Church.
Update on Sam (primarily for Kelley): Although never directly disobeying, he seems very forgetful. I asked him to make some flash cards for multiplication during after school care, but he didn't. And he forgot the index cards in his desk. I asked him to come right back home after he changed clothes, but he went over to Jill's instead. I told him he could watch a show until 10pm, but he watched until 11pm (he said he forgot). Anyway, I can see how you would get frustruated.
In practicing flash cards, I also noticed that he knows his 2s and 3s much better if he SEES them vs. HEARS them. Interesting...
His armpits did smell just fine this morning, though.
Hay Kelmo! I just tried to go to your blog and it was 404...what gives? How are people supposed to understand the armpit reference without a link to your blog?
Well, it's getting late. I think there is some sort of girl scout meeting tomorrow that Molly has to go to (even though it isn't on my calendar!).
Domo arigato, Mr. editato!
make that MS editara...and you're welcome...
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