Friday, June 02, 2006

dude ranch

Today was the last day of school for the girls, and this weekend we are taking them to a dude ranch in Brown County, and maybe try to look for some geocaches.

They thought they were going to Chicago, and are disappointed at the moment, since it was a "surprise" what they are doing, and all we've told them is that it is in Indiana. Molly has said "I'm not going hiking." That what SHE thinks.

I'm sure they'll be happy about the horseback riding lessons we have planned!

Maddie just put her fish into Grandma's pond, so that means there are no more fish in the house (except for the frozen cod in the freezer). Just two hermit crabs, and Daisy.

I played DoA last night with Leroy. I won by a slim margin. We were supposed to play for 2.5 hours, but didn't hear the timer b4 Court turned it off, so we played for 4 hours!

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