Tuesday, May 09, 2006

She Got it All, and we Got Some Too (Hail Money)

Well, Molly got Heelies, a bouncy ball, and $20 donated to St. Vincent de Paul. Overall, she struggled with her birthday. It was her "worst birthday" in her seven (now eight) year life. Reasons included, but are by no means limited to:

  1. Making brownies, instead of cupcakes for her class
  2. Not getting EVERYTHING on her list
  3. Not being allowed to frost her own cake
  4. The banner not being hung high over the door (it was beside the door)
  5. The crocks being green instead of purple, and too large
  6. Her friends not saying "Happy Birthday" to her, before the cupcakes were passed out (only 4 said "Happy Birthday").
I tire of this list, and will now stop.

On a happy note (her birthday was actually quite happy, I'm sure I overstate), we will be cashing a check for $1,400 for the hail damage on my car. That's right, $1,400 for some dimples on my car you CAN HARDLY SEE. And this is only the first car...we've got another car, and two roofs to go. Like manna from heaven!

In EVE, my per minute income has gone from 3000 ISK to 25,000 ISK in one fell swoop. Information is power. I'm mining asteroids on the fringes of the galaxy...more dangerous, but the reward is greater.


Anonymous said...

It's hard being a kid...wait til she turns 41... :-)!

Anonymous said...

The mood continued into Wednesday morning. Yikes, said Courtney.

Anonymous said...

maybe lacy lingerie underneath it all would help...?

Anonymous said...

Lingerie for an 8 yr old? yikes!