Monday, April 10, 2006

Weekend Report, Children on Computers, Fishes, Holy Week

Went down to Bloomy yesterday to visit Lynda (Breon was gone somewhere, returning last night). We played 4 games of Backgammon (I only won one)...she's a doubles-Rolling MANIAC. We also worked on her website a bit -, and (hopefully) fixed it so she can now leave blog comments (try it out on this one, mama!).

Court and I saw a newstory last night about where some detective pretended to be a 19-year old guy named Matt, and lured 3 teenaged girls into devulging a bunch of personal info. The basic take-away is to keep tabs on your children's internet usage.

For that matter, on what they are doing in general in life. Like...are they making films which show them killing their school mates (Columbine-style)? Or...what books are they reading, films are they watching, friends are they hanging out with? Get a clue - get involved. That ought to go A LONG way in solving this type of problem. I mean, really - what kind of thirteen-year-old girl meets up with a stranger she met through the internet? One who has other problems, that's who.

Well 'nuff about that, I guess.

This is Holy week (the week b4 Easter)...Easter being to the YEAR what Sunday is to the WEEK. I have this Friday off, and am looking forward to going to the Easter masses...

The girls are back in school as of this morning, after having last week off for spring break. I think they had a good break - Maddie had her friend, Jenny, over for a sleep-over one night.

The girls both got fishes (in fish tanks, of course) on Wednesday (I took a day off work to "parent"'re not supposed to say "babysit" if they are your own children). They got three "Danios" each. In case you didn't know, Danio is another name for "minnow". They cost 5x more than goldfish, but are suppoed to be better in a number of ways.

My web connection has been spotty at home...that's one reason I didn't blog earlier. I'm at home right now for lunch. The girls are going to after-care at school today since John and Jill (their grandparents) are taking a 10-day cruise to Spain and the vicinity. J&J usually watch them after school for a couple hours.



Anonymous said...

Watch out for jomama in the Backgammon leagues! looks hot as well and yes they offer yoga for cinics.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone

In the Smith household we are playing Lord of the Rings Top Trumps and our own game we made up using the cards; the rules change every time depending on who's running it!

Still have no internet nanny but keep manically checking what kids are doing, and allow them on kids sites only.

It's the MTV and stuff that's a problem...those videos...whew!

Mother (that's me) has to be dragged kicking and screaming off Warcraft game to join in any aspect of family life...

(I'm level 31 now)

Cathy xxx

kieron said...

Yeah, MTV is pretty bad...we have a filter on their TV that doesn't allow any shows except for "G" rated ones...